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Native Plant Guide

Information and Services for King County, Washington

hardstem bulrush

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Hardstem bulrush used to clean residential septic effluent
© Greg Rabourn
Hardstem bulrush used to clean residential septic effluent (enlarge)
Hardstem bulrush in flower

Scirpus acutus

Deciduous Grass-like

Height: 9 ft.

Availability: Low

Growing ease: Medium

Moisture req.: wet

Exposure req.: sun


Plant description:

This very tall bulrush has tough, round stems and works well along lakes and marshes. Needs saturated soil conditons and sun. Spreads by rhizomes. Seeds are important food for waterfowl.

Keywords: aggressive, birds, narrow, perennial (non-woody), spreading, upright

Articles that mention this plant: Guidance for Shoreline Plantings

Plans that use this plant:Wet, sunny