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Hicklin Lake Floating Islands Installation and Water Quality Investigation: final report for WDOE Grant G1300120

Hicklin Lake Floating Islands

In 2013, Washington Department of Ecology (WDOE) grant G1300120 partially funded the acquisition, planting, installation, and monitoring of two floating wetland treatment systems on the surface of Hicklin Lake. Hicklin Lake is located in Dick Thurnau (formerly Lakewood) Park in the White Center neighborhood in unincorporated King County. The overarching goal of this project was to remove excess nutrients that have frequently caused toxic algal blooms in the lake. Two 600-ft2 floating islands were installed on Hicklin Lake in July 2013. The islands cover about 0.5 percent of the lake surface. 

King County monitored the lake monthly between May/June and October from 2004 to 2015. Monitoring data show water quality concerns related to fecal coliform bacteria, nutrients and harmful algal blooms, copper, lead, and zinc. Hicklin Lake water quality did not appear to improve during the two years of monitoring following installation of the floating islands. It is apparent that these islands did not provide a quick fix to Hicklin Lake water quality concerns. Toxic algal blooms were detected in 2013, 2014, and 2015. 

The long-term effectiveness of the floating islands to improve Hicklin Lake water quality is unknown. As the two islands further establish, increased uptake and sequestration of nutrients may be occur. However, it not known if that will be enough to cause the algal blooms to subside.


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    Hicklin Lake Floating Islands Installation and Water Quality Investigation

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