Volunteers monitored Lake Langlois from 2001-2008, 2014, 2015 and resumed in 2019.
The key takeaways from the 2020 monitoring season are:
• Langlois Lake continues to have very clear water, with low nutrient concentrations and low algal growth. • While lake monitoring has not been consistent over the years, long-term trends suggest that water quality in Lake Langlois has been improving over time, with decreasing nitrogen concentrations and deeper Secchi depths. • No algal blooms were reported for toxin testing in 2020.
Please see below for a link to the full 2020 Lake Langlois Monitoring Report.
Click image to enlarge
The average of these three TSI indicators during the growing season can be used to place lakes in one of three broad categories: <40 = oligotrophic (low productivity), 40 to 50 = mesotrophic (moderate productivity) >50 = eutrophic (highly productive).