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Native Plant Guide

Information and Services for King County, Washington

Steep slope with dry sunny conditions

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Here's a tip landscape architects have known for a long time; framing a view with trees creates a more interesting perspective than a wide open view. Plus, trees and shrubs on steep hillsides can help keep slopes from sliding. The plan below frames the existing view, and adds a beautiful landscape to help hold the slope and attract wildlife. Planting on steep slopes may be regulated, so check with your local government. In most cases, planting native plants by hand does not require a permit. Be forewarned after planting your view may be obscured by countless new birds and butterflies.

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Plant list for Steep slope with dry sunny conditions

symboltypecommon nameLatin nameexposuremoistureheight (ft)avail.ease 
bigleaf maple iconTreebigleaf mapleAcer macrophyllumsun - shadedry - moist100MHadd plant
madrone; madrona iconTreemadrone; madronaArbutus menziesiisun - part shadedry90MLadd plant
shore pine iconTreeshore pinePinus contorta var. contortasun - part shadedry - wet50MHadd plant
serviceberry; juneberry iconShrubserviceberry; juneberryAmelanchier alnifoliasun - shadedry - moist20HHadd plant
hybrid manzanita  iconShrubhybrid manzanita Arctostaphylos X. mediasundry3LLadd plant
oceanspray iconShruboceansprayHolodiscus discolorsun - shadedry - moist15MHadd plant
tall Oregon grape iconShrubtall Oregon grapeMahonia aquifoliumsun - shadedry - wet8HHadd plant
red-flowering currant iconShrubred-flowering currantRibes sanguineumsun - part shadedry - moist6HMadd plant
thimbleberry iconShrubthimbleberryRubus parviflorussun - shadedry - moist8MMadd plant
yarrow iconGroundcoveryarrowAchillea millefoliumsun - part shadedry - moist0HHadd plant
kinnikinnik; bearberry iconGroundcoverkinnikinnik; bearberryArctostaphylos uva-ursisun - part shadedry1HMadd plant
thrift; sea pink iconGroundcoverthrift; sea pinkArmeria maritimasundry - moist1HHadd plant
beach strawberry  iconGroundcoverbeach strawberry Fragaria chiloensissun - part shadedry1HHadd plant
trailing snowberry iconGroundcovertrailing snowberrySymphoricarpos mollissun - shadedry - moist3LHadd plant
blackberry, trailing  iconVineblackberry, trailing Rubus ursinussun - shadedry - moist0.5LHadd plant
shore pine bigleaf maple shore pine red-flowering currant red-flowering currant red-flowering currant madrone; madrona shore pine oceanspray oceanspray thimbleberry thimbleberry serviceberry; juneberry serviceberry; juneberry snowberry snowberry snowberry tall Oregon grape tall Oregon grape tall Oregon grape blackberry, trailing blackberry, trailing blackberry, trailing snowberry, trailing snowberry, trailing snowberry, trailing thimbleberry thimbleberry thimbleberry yarrow yarrow yarrow hybrid manzanita hybrid manzanita hybrid manzanita hybrid manzanita kinnikinnik; bearberry kinnikinnik; bearberry kinnikinnik; bearberry kinnikinnik; bearberry kinnikinnik; bearberry thrift; sea pink thrift; sea pink thrift; sea pink thrift; sea pink thrift; sea pink beach strawberry beach strawberry serviceberry; juneberry