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Native Plant Guide

Information and Services for King County, Washington

vine maple

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Vine maple in bloom
© Greg Rabourn
Vine maple in bloom (enlarge)
Vine maple flowers Vine maple showing beautiful fall color pruned vine maple trunks
vine maple leaves in spring

Acer circinatum

Deciduous Tree

Height: 25 ft.

Availability: High

Growing ease: High

Moisture req.: dry - moist

Exposure req.: part shade - shade


Plant description:

One of the most desireable native plants, this small tree is famous for fall color and its ability to hold stream banks and eroding soil. Like the dogwood, it grows best in the understory at the woodland edge but will also grow more lankey in the forest interior and smaller, denser in the open--where it can burn in the afternoon sun. The lower branches wind sinuously up through the air, vine-like (thus the name) and the best looking specimines are multi trunked.

Keywords: red, upright, yellow

Articles that mention this plant: Guidance for Shoreline Plantings, Native plants for deep shade, Native plants for fall color

Plans that use this plant:Dry, part shade, Dry, shady, Moist, part shade, Moist, shady, Wet, shady