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Native Plant Guide

Information and Services for King County, Washington

bald hip rose

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baldhip rose's bald hip
© Greg Rabourn
baldhip rose's bald hip (enlarge)
Bald hip rose in landscape Bald hip rose bloom ok photo of hip

Rosa gymnocarpa

Deciduous Shrub

Height: 4 ft.

Availability: Medium

Growing ease: High

Moisture req.: dry - wet

Exposure req.: sun - shade


Plant description:

Attractive pink blooms. Also has small red fruits (hips) that persist through the winter. This tough plant can handle a wide range of conditions. Covered with prickles making it an effective barrier.

Keywords: edible, fire-resistant , fruit, pink, red, spreading, thorns or prickles, upright

Articles that mention this plant: Deer resistant plants

Plans that use this plant:Dry, part shade, Dry, shady