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Native Plant Guide

Information and Services for King County, Washington


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trillium bloom after slug grazing
© Greg Rabourn
trillium bloom after slug grazing (enlarge)
trillium close-up Trilliums

Trillium ovatum

Deciduous Groundcover

Height: 1.50 ft.

Availability: Medium

Growing ease: Medium

Moisture req.: dry - moist

Exposure req.: part shade - shade


Plant description:

Trillium is one of the most beloved of all native plants. A small, white to pink, delicate plant, often found in deciduous forest or ravine with some moisture. It also likes a certain amount of low ground cover or deep forest duff around it. Foam flower is a good companion and it also looks good with most ferns. Arising about the same time as the robins return, it has been called the wake-robin.

Keywords: fire-resistant , perennial (non-woody), purple, upright, white

Articles that mention this plant: Native plants for deep shade

Plans that use this plant:Dry, shady, Moist, shady