sword fern
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© Greg Rabourn
Sword fern
Polystichum munitum
Evergreen Groundcover
Height: 3 ft.
Availability: High
Growing ease: High
Moisture req.: dry - moist
Exposure req.: part shade - shade
Plant description:
This is the king of northwest ferns. Its stately appearance and adaptability for almost any site condition, make it one of the most usefull of all native plants. The clump of upright, evergreen leaves has an architectural quality and can be used as a structural element in almost any kind of planting. It can also be used as a ground cover. Does best in organic soils but can stand the most acidic conditions found under cedar and redwoods. As older fronds die they provide excellent amphibian habitat around their base.
Keywords: broad, drought tolerant, ferns, fire-resistant
Articles that mention this plant: Deer resistant plants, Native plants for deep shade
Plans that use this plant:Dry, part shade, Dry, shady, Moist, part shade, Moist, shady