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The Stream and River Monitoring Program is part of the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, Water and Land Resources Division. We are committed to monitoring the water quality of the County's lakes and streams to ensure their continued health, as well as the health of the public who utilize the many freshwater resources.

At this Web site you will be able to learn about the purpose and history of this program, what parameters are analyzed and how samples are collected. You will also be able to view a list or a map of the current sites that are monitored in the program, view information about individual streams and watersheds and view data graphs. Analyses such as long-term water quality trends, and the Water Quality Index are also available. You can also learn about special projects such as the Stream Sediment Monitoring Study.

Related King County stream and river Web sites include:

Other stream and river Web sites include:

If you have a question about the program, please contact the Science Section Lakes and Streams Team at, or call the Water and Land Resources Department Reception Desk at 206-477-4800.
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Stream News

New Zealand Mud Snail Alert!