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Native Plant Guide

Information and Services for King County, Washington

blackberry, trailing

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trailing blackberry fruit
© Greg Rabourn
trailing blackberry fruit (enlarge)
Trailing blackberry trailing blackberry bloom Trailing blackberry in bloom

Rubus ursinus

Deciduous Vine

Height: 0.50 ft.

Availability: Low

Growing ease: High

Moisture req.: dry - moist

Exposure req.: sun - shade


Plant description:

This is not the big brambly invasive bully lining area rivers and roadways. Although our native blackberry likes to spread, it does not form self supported brambles. Instead it rambles about the landscape as a vine-like ground cover.

Keywords: aggressive, birds, blue, butterflies, creeping or trailing, drought tolerant, edible, fast, fruit, spreading, white

Plans that use this plant:Steep slope with dry sunny conditions