Are the metals exceeding the chronic toxicity standards?
These graphs illustrate chronic toxicity in the lake or stream sample. The values
on the chart are determined by subtracting the metal concentrations in the sample
from the chronic toxicity values calculated using the toxicity formulas in the Washington water
quality standards (WAC173-201A) Any values less than zero are designated
as “non-toxic”.
The lighter colored symbols on the chart are the calculated values for all King
County stream locations and are presented here to provide a regional and temporal
context for the results of this particular stream.
PLEASE NOTE: Calculated toxicity values use hardness as a variable
in the calculation, and the hardness of the sampled waters changes depending on
local conditions. Calcium and magnesium are analyzed in the water samples and used
to calculate water hardness: Calculated hardness = ((Calcium x 2.497) + (Magnesium
x 4.116))/1000
Metals charts for