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Native Plant Guide

Information and Services for King County, Washington

Native Plant List

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You can sort the list by common name, Botanical name, type, height and ratings for availability and ease of use. Just click on the column heading. It's that easy. To read a detailed description of a plant, follow the link. definitions for the column headings

typecommon namelatin nameexposuremoistureheight (ft)avail.ease 
Treebigleaf mapleAcer macrophyllumsun - shadedry - moist100MHadd plant
Treebitter cherryPrunus emarginatasun - part shadedry - moist30MMadd plant
Treeblack cottonwood Populus balsamiferasun - part shademoist - wet160MHadd plant
Treeblack hawthornCrataegus douglasii sun - part shademoist - wet30MMadd plant
TreecascaraRhamnus purshianasun - shadedry - wet30MMadd plant
TreeDouglas' MapleAcer glabrumsun - part shademoist30MHadd plant
TreeDouglas-firPseudotsuga menziesiisun - part shadedry - moist250MHadd plant
Treegrand firAbies grandissun - shadedry - moist250HMadd plant
TreeHookers willow Salix hookerianasunmoist - wet20LHadd plant
Treemadrone; madronaArbutus menziesiisun - part shadedry90MLadd plant
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