tall Oregon grape
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© Clay Antieau
Tall oregon grape in bloom
Mahonia aquifolium
Evergreen Shrub
Height: 8 ft.
Availability: High
Growing ease: High
Moisture req.: dry - wet
Exposure req.: sun - shade
Plant description:
Adapted to dry, open, more rocky hatitats, the Tall Oregon grape has fewer leaflets (5-9) than its cousin, Low Oregon Grape (9-19). It also handles shade and moisture as well. More rugged in appearance, it is looks best planted with shorter plants around it. The holly-like leaves make it an excellent barrier hedge. This plant grows by spreading from underground roots. Bright yellow clustered flowers followed by purple fruits. Blooms in spring.
Keywords: birds, broad leaf (evergreen), butterflies, drought tolerant, edible, fast, fire-resistant , fruit, narrow, purple, spreading, thorns or prickles, upright, yellow
Articles that mention this plant: Deer resistant plants, Native plants for fall color
Plans that use this plant:Dry, part shade, Dry, sunny, Moist, part shade, Moist, sunny, Steep slope with dry sunny conditions